
Summoners War 2019 Cheat is made by our team, which made sure it will work with any Apple (iOS), Android, Facebook or even PC computer. You basically only need browser to make it work. There’s lots of messages coming from people similar to you, to provide .aplk or basic .exe file to generate the crystals, which unfortunately we cannot do. Since the game is online only (cloud based), offline generator would do no good. Even if it was able to show you different number of crystals, when you would try to spend it in the shop, it would simply not see the newly generated stuff. That’s why it’s best if you use online version of the hack, which is safe, easy, and fast. Actually , if you’re fast enough, you should be counting your crystals in 10 minutes from now. And that’s without spending a penny! Can you imagine that?  Anyway, check a bit more bellow, there’s instructions on how to use the generator, what kind of security we use and so on. Unfortunately, we cannot disclose the exact met